Unclipped Wings

A Female Student’s Struggle for Wellbeing and Equity

Unclipped Wings is a graphic novella that narrates the struggles of female students at UniSEN, a typical Nigerian tertiary education institution. Returning after an 8-month ASUU strike, Accounting student and aspiring SUG President, Chinwe faces challenges that stem from living in a patriarchal culture. Her friends also experience hardships, each striving to survive against the odds.

The novella offers researched insights into gender discrimination, student welfare and wellbeing. Solutions are proposed to enable female students to thrive within and beyond the academic environment. Unclipped Wings champions the voice and potential of the young woman, and advocates for her liberation from gender-biased societal constraints. It is a must-read for students, parents, educators, and policymakers.

Unclipped Wings aims to empower voices and break barriers in Nigerian Campuses!

Download it free by clicking on this image.

As you read, reflect and discuss it with others using the guide and prompts, please don’t forget to share your thoughts and experiences with me too. Thank you!


“Such an inspiring and different way to share research! I loved how the novella format and learning about the struggles and hopes of female Nigerian students through Chinwe’s story made key findings easily accessible and fun to read (even if some of the topics addressed really aren’t fun), yet felt authentic and honest. Also appreciated the ending with its notion of hope and call for action.” – Anne Angsten Clark

“Unclipped Wings speaks to the souls of students in the African environment, mirroring our own experiences and revealing insights on how to navigate some of the challenges of academia and society. With every page, it whispers to you: “You too can rise above the limits imposed on you!” – Priscilla Taiwo

“Just read your Unclipped Wings. So inspiring. I’m very honored to have your signature in the front of my copy!” – Prof. Rachel Murray

“The graphics was actually top notch. And I also loved the way the research was incorporated into it, to add real facts and all. I felt it was too short though… like, more could have been said about the female challenges. As we were getting into their life, they ended the story. Maybe next time, just give us a complete novel o, so we can be lost in it.” – Truelove Ejiofor